Introduction to Human Design
From the moment we were born, the world around us has constantly told us who we need to be, how we need to act, think, behave, and feel. However, we are designed as very unique individuals and trying to meet other people’s expectations of us and following their strategies and belief systems, is not how we operate the most effectively. Human Design is a system that gives us a roadmap or guide to how we are uniquely energetically and genetically designed. When we start following what is correct for us as an individual, we unlock the secret to getting the most out of this lifetime and living a life of freedom, abundance, and ease.
The Human Design chart looks complex, but it is designed to be simple. The first step to understanding your Human Design is Type and Strategy.
Type is how your energy interacts and engages with the world around you and Strategy is what you follow to encounter less resistance and more flow.
Human Design Type & Strategy
There are 5 main Types in Human Design, and everyone will fall into one of these types (click on each type to learn more):
Here to get creative urges and downloads and initiate things and people into action. Your Strategy is to Inform.
Here to light up the world doing what they love, responding and turn ideas into form. Your Strategy is to Respond.
Here to be multi-passionate and follow what lights them up. Your Strategy is to Respond and Inform.
Here to lead and guide us through their insights and wisdom. Your Strategy is to Be Invited.
Here to see the potential of what and who is around them and mirror the current reality back. Your Strategy is to Wait a Lunar Cycle.
You are a trailblazer and here to be unapologetically yourself. You are designed to take internal inspiration and urges and bring the ideas out into the world. You also inspire and initiate others into action. You seek freedom and you are best living in a way that allows you to spontaneously follow your urges to bring new or improved creations to the forefront.
You are a leader, designed to get the ball rolling, allowing others to bring it into form. You do not like to control others and despise others controlling you. You have a big aura that people energetically feel when you enter a room. However, not everyone is designed to resonate with you, so your aura will attract those people who are correct for you and protect you from those who are not. Because of your closed aura, people can’t read you and may feel uncomfortable as they don’t know what you are going to do next. Using your strategy of informing will help create the path of least resistance for you.
Your energy works best when you have full ability to bring your creative urges to the surface, put them out into the world and then rest until the next urge comes through. Therefore, working in a highly controlled or structured, 9 to 5 type of job isn’t the best environment for you and can lead to burnout. The more freedom you have, the more impact you can have in the world.
The Manifestor Strategy is Informing
Strategy tells us how to get through life with flow and the least resistance and supports the process of becoming our authentic self.
Informing does not always come naturally to most Manifestors, as they are very independent and prefer to move quickly and follow their urge. However, as your aura is closed, others don’t know what you are going to do next, and this can upset them and create resistance for you.
By informing those who will be impacted by your actions, this helps settle the resistance and clear the path. However, to be clear, this is not asking for permission, it is just letting them know what actions you will be taking so they can either support you or get out of your way.
Manifestor Signature and Not-Self Themes
Signature is how we feel if we are living in alignment with our design and the Not-Self is an indication that we are out of alignment or conditioning is playing out.
Your Signature is Peace. When you are living in alignment to your design and following your urges, without others around you getting upset, you will feel at Peace.
Your Not-Self Theme is Anger. This is an indicator if you are off-track or not. You will feel this when you are trying to keep up with everyone else, not working to how your energy is designed, if you feel controlled by someone or something else and can't work autonomously, or if your creative flow is interrupted.
Generators are here to light up the planet by doing what they love. You have a big, attractive energy that will magnetize people to you when you feel excited and energized by what you are doing.
Doing things that you don’t love and feels unfulfilling will drain your energy. You are here to follow what your Sacral says yes to, and only when it says yes, then you will have full access to your energy to move forward with it and make it happen.
70% of the population have a defined Sacral and will give energy to the planet when the sacral is lit up. However, when you say yes to things that should be a no, your energy gets cluttered, and you may miss out on things that you should be doing or end up in functional burnout.
Learning to say no when you are not lit up by something, releasing any people pleasing behavior and setting boundaries will all help you align to your most innate way of being and have the right things show up in your path.
The Generator Strategy is Responding
Strategy tells us how to get through life with flow and the least resistance and supports the process of becoming our authentic self.
Responding is always to something external of you and the more you follow your strategy, the more things will get magnetized to you. As things are attracted towards you, you respond to them by checking in with your sacral for a yes or no response, before your mind takes over (it can be likened to a ‘gut response’). Your sacral response can be a verbal yes or no (often in the form of an ‘aha or un-hu’) or may feel expansive in your gut or heart region or contractive. It responds to yes or no questions, so practice asking yourself these to get a feel for your sacral response.
Generator Signature and Not-Self Themes
Signature is how we feel if we are living in alignment with our design and the Not-Self is an indication that we are out of alignment or conditioning is playing out.
Your Signature is Satisfaction. When you are living in alignment to your design you will feel a sense of satisfaction. This can be even on the smallest of things throughout your day to the bigger areas of your life that you feel satisfied are going really well.
Your Not-Self Theme is Frustration. This is an indicator if you are off-track or not. You will feel frustrated at things or people and this sense of frustration will continue to build as you stay out of alignment to living to your natural design.
Manifesting Generator
Manifesting Generators are a hybrid type between Generators and Manifestors, but as you have the sacral defined, you are a Generator Type.
You are here to light up the planet by doing what you love, which can be multiple things at once. You have a big, attractive energy that will magnetize people to you when you feel excited and energized by what you are doing.
You work in a non-linear fashion and find short cuts to get things done faster. You are multi-passionate and may have several different businesses, interests or hobbies that have nothing to do with each other. You are designed to have multiple interests at once and would be bored out of your mind if you were forced to just do one thing.
You move very fast and may jump and others may find it hard to keep up with you. It’s important for you to check in with your sacral on the many opportunities that are always coming your way to ensure you are just following the ones that are correct for you. When you say yes to things that do not light you up, your energy will get clogged up and lead you to feeling frustrated and angry.
Rest and play are extremely important for you, so make sure you are making the time to allow yourself to do both.
The Manifesting Generator Strategy is Responding and Informing
Strategy tells us how to get through life with flow and the least resistance and supports the process of becoming our authentic self.
Responding is always to something external of you and the more you follow your strategy, the more things will get magnetized to you. As things are attracted towards you, you respond to them by checking in with your sacral for a yes or no response, before your mind takes over (it can be likened to a ‘gut response’). Your sacral response can be a verbal yes or no (often in the form of an ‘aha or un-hu’) or may feel expansive in your gut or heart region or contractive. It responds to yes or no questions, so practice asking yourself these to get a feel for your sacral response.
Informing those who will be impacted by your actions, helps settle the resistance and clear the path for you as you are usually moving so quickly. Informing is not asking for permission, but simply letting people know what actions you will be taking so they can either support you or get out of your way.
Manifesting Generator Signature and Not-Self Themes
Signature is how we feel if we are living in alignment with our design and the Not-Self is an indication that we are out of alignment or conditioning is playing out.
Your Signature is Satisfaction and Peace. When you are living in alignment to your design you will feel a sense of satisfaction and peace. Satisfaction can be even on the smallest of things throughout your day to the bigger areas of your life that you feel satisfied are going really well and peace is when people around you are not getting upset.
Your Not-Self Theme is Frustration and Anger. This is an indicator if you are off-track or not. You will feel frustrated at things or people and this sense of frustration will continue to build as you stay out of alignment to living to your natural design. Anger may come when your creative flow is interrupted as that energy needs to be directed out of the body.
You are a natural born leader and guide and are very wise about the world. You have a deep, intuitive understanding of people in general and can see the value, talents and potential in them.
You have a need to be seen, recognized and valued yourself. When this happens, more invitations will start showing up for you, bringing great things into your world. For this to happen, valuing yourself and your own talents is critical.
Your energy works best in shorter bursts or cycles as you are not designed to work long hours with your undefined sacral. If you do, burnout will be a big challenge for you. Resting when you need to is also how you bring more success into your life.
The Projector Strategy is Waiting for the Invitation
Strategy tells us how to get through life with flow and the least resistance and supports the process of becoming our authentic self.
You need the energy of others to be heard, so trying to share your ideas, wisdom and guidance without being asked can run the risk of no-one listening to you or being met with resistance. This can initially feel very frustrating to a Projector, but the more you value and honor yourself and your own needs and live in alignment with your Type and Strategy, the more invitations will be offered. Invitations will always come when you have a healthy sense of self-worth because people will be drawn to you and your wisdom. It's also worth noting, you do not need to say yes to every invitation, check in with your Authority to know which ones are correct for you.
Projector Signature and Not-Self Themes
Signature is how we feel if we are living in alignment with our design and the Not-Self is an indication that we are out of alignment or conditioning is playing out.
Your Signature is Success. When you are living in alignment to your design you will feel success. You will likely feel this when you are getting invited to things that are aligned for your energy and can sustain you. You may also feel success in any area of your life that is important.
Your Not-Self Theme is Bitterness. This is an indicator if you are off-track or not. You will feel bitter. This usually happens when you are giving advice that is not being accepted or ignored and invitations are not forthcoming for you to share your wisdom.
You are here to see and reflect the potential of the people and the environment around you. You have no defined centers, so you are taking in the energy around you and have a sampling aura, meaning you take the energy in and reflect it back to others.
Reflectors are the rarest type, only being 1% of the population. It is important for you to be in the right environment, with the right people for you to feel healthy and for your life to feel right. When you are in the right community, you feel more aligned and fulfilled.
You follow the lunar cycle because you are so open, so it may take you some time to know what the correct decision and path forward is for you. Waiting a full lunar cycle (28 days), sometimes longer is healthy for you to experience different energies throughout that time to know how you feel when you come to your final decision.
You are here to have deep wisdom about what is possible for the world and to reflect that potential back to those around you. Time to yourself is also critical to discharge the energy you’ve absorbed.
The Reflector Strategy is Waiting a Lunar Cycle
Strategy tells us how to get through life with flow and the least resistance and supports the process of becoming our authentic self.
Waiting a minimum of 28 days for big decisions in your life will help you avoid disappointment of jumping into things too early. You are designed to sample different people, places and different circumstances and feel the different energies to know what is correct for you. Having a trusted sounding board to talk things through can help reflect back your truth as you come to decisions. Make sure to take your time and talk things through to really know what is right for you.
Reflector Signature and Not-Self Themes
Signature is how we feel if we are living in alignment with our design and the Not-Self is an indication that we are out of alignment or conditioning is playing out.
Signature is Surprise. When you are living in alignment to your design you will feel surprise. When you are aligned, you enjoy the surprise of experiencing something that you haven’t yet.
Your Not-Self Theme is Disappointment. This is an indicator if you are off-track or not. You will feel disappointed. This usually happens when you either making decisions too quickly, or people and situations around you are not living up to the potential you see.